Camp Weld Conference
“This rare photograph by an unknown photographer shows the ill-fated Cheyenne chief, Black Kettle, and a number of his associated at Camp Weld, on the outskirts of Denver. They had assembled there on September 28, 1864, for a peace council with Governor Evans and Colonel John M. Chivington, commander of the District of Colorardo. Chivington later attacked their camp in what is known as the Sand Creek massacre. Some of the identifications of Indians are uncertain. Front row, kneeling, left to right: Major Edward W. Wynkoop, commander at Fort Lyon and later agent for the Cheyennes and Arapahoes; Captain Silas S. Soule, provost marshal, later murdered in Denver. Middle row, seated, left to right: White Antelope (or perhaps White Wolf), Bull Bear, Black Kettle, One Eye, Natame (Arapaho). Back row, standing, left to right: Colorado militiaman, unknown civilian, John H. Smith (interpreter), Heap of Buffalo (Arapaho), Neva (Arapaho), unknown civilian, sentry. Another identification states that Neva is seated on the left and the Indian next to Smith is White Wolf (Cheyenne).” —Library, State Historical Society of Colorado, In: Wilbur Sturtevant Nye, Plains Indian raiders : the final phases of warfare from the Arkansas to the Red River, with original photographs by William S. Soule. University of Oklahoma Press, 1st edition, 1968, ISBN 0806111755, p188.
Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site
At the Sand Creek Massacre
A depiction of one scene at Sand Creek by witness Howling Wolf
Portrait 1864
Portrait of Black Kettle or Moke-Tao-To and Delegation Of Cheyenne and Arapaho Chiefs September 28, 1864