We are so happy that you will be participating in our Expo!

Please complete the form, below, by Monday, March 19th!  Here are some other things to consider:

  1. You may arrive and set up your booth as early as 4 PM.  Please have booths completely set up no later than 4:50 PM, to avoid disrupting the Educational Forum.
  2. If you need to reach the event team, day of, call Genevieve at: 303-909-8169.
  3. Tables must be dressed.  Plain white plastic table covers will be provided to you, if necessary.
  4. Attract the attention of participants with your organization’s banner or other promotional materials.
  5. Promote the event on your website, via social media, etc.  The higher the attendance, the more you can spread the word about the work you are doing and recruit support!
    1. Share our Facebook event
    2. Share the event website
    3. Print and distribute our event poster
  6. Talk to members of your organization and encourage them to spread the word and attend the event, themselves, to direct attendees to your booth.
  7. Have a plan for the event related to your message and how attendees can get involved to support you.
  8. Consider bring marketing materials, sell logo-gear, etc. to support your cause.
  9. Gather information from attendees, so you are able to follow-up with them after the event.

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