a Dr. Gregory Diggs Memorial Project
- Robert A. Goldberg, Hooded Empire: The Ku Klux Klan in Colorado. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1981. (pp. 40-63 overview of the KKK Era).
- Phil Goodstein, In the Shadow of the Klan: When the Ku Klux Klan Ruled Denver, 1920-1926, Denver: 2006. Available at Capitol Hill Books
- Robert A. Goldberg, “Denver: Queen City of the Colorado Realm,” Chapter 2, The Invisible Empire in the West, Shawn Lay, Ed. University of Illinois Press.
- Kathleen Blee, Women of the Klan: Racism and Gender in the 1920s (1991).
- Boldfaced Lies, by Charlene Porter. Translated into Spanish and has a study guide. Available: charlene@charleneporter.com
- Denver by John Dunning, (1980) Set in the West Colfax Jewish community.
Research Papers, Videos and Podcasts: (available online)
- Michael Adam Lee, The Politics of Antisemitism in Denver, Colorado, 1898-1984. http://scholar.colorado.edu/hist_gradetds. Chapter 3
- Richard Delgado and Jean Stefanic, “Home-Grown Racism: Colorado’s Historic Embrace – And Denial – Of Equal Opportunity in Higher Education,” https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2411625
- Nicoli Bowley, “Ten Dollars to Hate Somebody”: Hispanic Communities and the Ku Klux in Klan in Colorado, 1917-1925. Center of the American West. https://scholar.colorado.edu/honr_theses/1493.
- KKK Rocky Mountain PBS https://youtu.be/PO5PMbtF1t8 (28 mins.) Edward (Jed) Marrs, A Stand for Social Justice: Regis University and the Ku Klux Klan: 1920-26 (17 minute video) (marrs498@regis.edu) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1_drx1UcL8&feature=youtu.be
- Aaron “Ukulele Loki” Johnson, “Stapleton Rebranded KKKpleton,” Your Neighbor Speaking,” https://youtu.be/3e6Cv6PalD4
- Changing Denver podcast: “Stapleton’s Promise, Apr 3, 2017, http://changingdenver.com/?episode=stapletons-promise
- Changing Denver podcast: “The Life and Times of Benjamin F. Stapleton http://changingdenver.com/?episode=cdbbb-the-life-and-times-of-benjamin-fstapleton
Speakers and Facilitators:
- Charlene Porter, author, charlene@charleneporter.com
- Terry Nelson, Blair Caldwell African American Research Library
- James Walsh, CU Denver—Irish and Catholic resistance to the Klan
- Nicoli Bowley, Center of the American West—Hispanic communities & KKK
- Jeanne Abrams, Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Society
- Michael Adam Lee—Jewish resistance-available via Skype
- Bill de la Cruz, Denver Public Schools, facilitator on race and equity issues
- Nita Mosby Tyler, The Equity Project, facilitator on race and equity issues
- Paul Karolyi, podcaster, “Changing Denver”